Are you ready to heal your money blocks & learn how to become proactive with money, rather than reactive?

Would you like to become confident in your financial literacy and personal finance management?

Would you like to see yourself:
💰 Managing your income with confidence.
💰 Making good money decisions.
💰 Spending in a way that does not make you feel guilty or irresponsible.
💰 Eliminating consumer debt
💰 Building emergency savings.
💰 Saving for a home, travel, and adventures.
💰 Planning for retirement.
💰 Building wealth, saving money for travel, managing income.
💫 Healing your money wounds so that you can feel safe and confident, trusting in your own ability to create and magnetize the money you need to feel nourished and abundant, no matter what's happening in the economy.
💫 Having a solid foundation to support all your manifestations??

Well, no one taught you how to do these things at school. You want to and even tried to, learn these things to get your finances on track... yet as a creative, you want to be led by your heart ... not by a set of rules and financial strategies that contract your soul.

Your intuition led you to the right place my friend!
I created this program to help you create a healthy relationship with money so you can feel secure and free to build a life you LOVE!

🤔 Right now, thinking about money, or your finances makes you feel a whole spectrum of contradicting emotions.
Even though you would like to feel powerful, abundant, excited, and grateful...
In reality, money triggers you into feeling:
Scared as Hell, Shame, Lacking, Stressed, Disempowered, Guilty, Resentment, Irresponsible, like you should have made better choices, and you should be further along at this point in your life... And this burdensome state of FREEZE in your nervous system you can't seem to shake off no matter what you do.

Hey, I know these words you are seeing make you uncomfortable. I don't mean to twist the knife and cause more pain. My intention is not to shame you, my friend. My intention is to show you what's possible even if you feel this way right now.
❤️‍🩹 and I want you to start feeling better here, now, while reading this page!
Stick around and read about my tumultuous relationship with money- seriously, MONEY USED TO CAUSE ME NIGHTMARES! Now, it's like this cool friend that goes on adventures with me. And if I can do it with all the money trauma I faced from the day I was born, so can you! Pinky promise!

Money: The Enemy!

I was born in Jordan in the ‘80’s, scarcity was everywhere around us, and I felt like I was suffocating for the first 23 years of my life, with no safe space.

 At home, money was the carrot and the stick, my dad terrorized me. And he used money to manipulate and control me. My childhood conditioning made me believe that money was synonymous with love and my self worth.


Money was used as a way to control me, and it was something I was always afraid of...

At 23, against all odds, I miraculously busted out of Jordan and moved to Melbourne, Australia, without knowing anyone, having a job, or knowing how I would survive on my own.

But my money wounds and my old beliefs kept haunting me. I still felt worthless and scared shitless no matter how much money I made.

I nickel and dimed myself, I felt guilty spending money. I was buying the lowest quality produce, I skimped on health care. I believed that all it took to be good with money was saving it!

As a child, I dreamed about traveling to the US one day. In 2015, I saved and made this happen!

It was right at the banks of the Mississippi River in New Orleans my spirit experienced its first awakening!

It was like I finally knew then and there why I was born.

Suddenly my Life's Purpose was revealed to me!

I was born to help others unburden themselves from money fear and the money wounds that manifest from childhood so they can find freedom.

But first, I had to do this for myself... This started my quest. My Hero's Journey!

My life completely changed and transformed from that moment onward.

On my quest to heal my own relationship with money, all I found were these “square” and binary you should do this, stop doing that, save more, spend less, control your urges... type of material. Going deeper, I found some money mindset and manifestation-themed approaches that barely scratched the surface for me.

I wanted something more. Something DEEPER AND MORE REAL that went to my core wounds, where all my beliefs stemmed from.

I also wanted something, a supportive container, that was BALANCED.

What was out there was either too rigid: Save, Budget,Restrict...

or too loosey-goosey: Chant affirmation, Rewire your mindset and Manifest.

What I required was a nice balance between the two: the nuts and bolts, with the energetics of money.

So I had to pave my own path.

My healing journey with money took me from the boring budgeting and money mindset deeper than dollars and into the abyss of my deepest shadows and insecurities.

It made me take a deep and honest look at my self-worth, self-confidence, my relationship with love and safety, and what it meant to me to be deeply fulfilled and secure.

I go into the details on my podcast.

Listen here:

After nearly 4 years of that fateful day by the Mississippi River where my life's mission was revealed to me, and after years of working on my own money wounds, a quest that changed and transformed my life in so many ways, I am happy to say that I live 100% ON PURPOSE, and money has become a dear friend!
And I have helped many, many people on the same path since then!

This is program is a labor of love! ❤️

This is the content and type of guidance I so wish was available to me back in 2015 when I felt so alone and confused...

A balanced approach to money that combines structure with aspects of emotional healing and spirituality.
This is why this program exists! It was created as a result of my years of helping and guiding people from different walks of life- CEOs, CPAs, artists, accountants, healers, coaches, creatives, authors, graphic designers, spiritual entrepreneurs, 9-5ers, stay-at-home moms, recent college graduates, heal their relationship with money and create a flow-y coherent, and even FUN money practice that empowers them and fuels their creativity and unique quirks, rather than suppress their spirits.

Cos when you heal your relationship with money so it no longer triggers your nervous system, money can be fun!
It can be a tool that facilitates your dreams, not an obstacle that stands in your way!

😬Tired of one size fits all BS strategies that make you feel like you have to work against yourself to make this money thing work, and...

😬DONE with trying to do it all yourself, piecing together teachings from podcasts, books, manifestation challenges and courses you've taken over the years and are ready to see RESULTS...

😬Ready to learn about money WITHOUT the financial jargon that crushes your spirit...

😊AND you are ready to be "good at money" WITHOUT following a prescribed path or strategy that was created by old-school white men who don’t even align with your vision and mission, and who don’t see the world the way you do...

🙌 You’re finally in the right place 🙌

Inside this program, you will find lectures, workshops and exercises designed to help you manage your finances, gain financial literacy and empowerment so you can meet your money goals.

You will also find content to help you heal your relationship with money so you can tailor this "money thing" into a spiritual and fun practice that fits your unique needs + lifestyle, boosts your confidence, and helps you bring your dreams to life without having to:

  • Penny-pinch
  • Compromise your values
  • Tame or Suppress your creative spirit
  • Contort yourself to fit into someone else’s rigid system.

As your guide, I will help you move through both the practical (budgeting, saving, etc.) and the energetics (emotions, values, purpose, spiritual, etc.) of money to craft a lifelong relationship with money that works and feels good for you, so you can do what your soul came here to do- aka, express yourself fully and unapologetically in all aspects of your life, and connect with pleasure and your life's purpose!

All lectures and coaching sessions are informed by my training, research, and experience in:​​
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Archetypal and Parts Work
  • Polyvagal Theory 
  • Nervous System Healing, Care + Repair.
  • Somatic and Mindfulness Awareness.
  • My Intuitive Channel. 
  • Inner Child Healing, Attachment Theory, core childhood wounds, and trauma healing.
  • Accounting, Financial & Life Coaching.
  • Principles of Personal Finance - but I make them super fun and trauma-sensitive don't worry!

What People Say

Here's a Sneak Peak at the Curriculum

  Start here 🌼
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Financial Empowerment 💪
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Money Healing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Material
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Community Call Recordings
Available in days
days after you enroll
In the Money Sanctuary, you will:

  • Have a fun practice around money that feels authentic, abundant, and liberating. 

  • No longer feel a sense of doom and dread when you receive bills and payment due notices. Your finances will be organized in a way that makes sense to you without being forced into a budget, and you are able to pay all your bills and dues on time with confidence. 

  • Create a holistic plan for your money, build an emergency fund, learn how to save for retirement, better understand and leverage your credit score, start paying off debt and learn how to use your credit card with confidence… all without needing to compromise your values or restrict your soul. 

  • Listen to your intuition when you feel like your gut is steering you towards a new goal or a passion that costs money. You will listen to your gut, and allow yourself to act on the guidance that’s coming through because you can afford it. You will no longer dismiss your desires and gaslight yourself!

  • Feel confident about your financial know-how. You know what you need to know, and you no longer feel heavy or ashamed about your lack of financial education. You no longer check out when money is mentioned, and you no longer subscribe to financial strategies that promote more discipline, frugality, or restriction.

  • Feel integrous, because your finances are in balance & alignment with your values, intuition, and creativity.

  • Have effective financial boundaries in place that are flexible yet nurture your energy and resources. This is an integral part that is often missing from building a healthy relationship with money from a place of empowerment, rather than a place of defensiveness, shame, and fear.

  • Have a highly adaptable money plan and process in place that help you take care of your financial obligations and honor your deep desires, hobbies, and passions, no matter how outrageous they are!

  • You will feel confident with money. It no longer holds you back, but fuels your creativity and your Soul’s purpose. 

  • You will transform your relationship with money into a spiritual practice that promotes your growth & expansion, and provides fertile ground to help you heal your shadow parts.

What you get in this program:

⭐️ Lectures and workshop recordings on finances and money healing that you can watch on demand.

⭐️ Accompanying workbooks to facilitate your learning experience.

⭐️ Access to two monthly group coaching sessions with Coach Nadine and a supportive community. We currently meet twice a month: On the second Wednesday of every month at 5 pm PST, and on the LAST Tuesday of every month at 8am PST.

And you will get FOREVER Access to all material.  

All for a one-time payment of $499 USD.

The Money Sanctuary is a program that provides you with the space, guidance, and encouragement that you need to heal your relationship with money so you can create a life that's financially secure and sustainable.

If you are ready to create financial wellness that helps you embody more enjoyment and fulfilment without compromising your integrity, values or spiritual path, you are invited to join the Money Sanctuary today!

✋🏽 Hold Up! Before you enroll...

If money is deeply triggering or activating to you, then I highly recommend you book a Clarity Session with me first so we can uncover the roots of your emotions around money.

(copy and paste this link in your browser to book: )

This is program is not suited for people who:

  • Poo poo spirituality.
  • Believe in strategy alone to fix their finances and relationship with money.
  • Are not ready to dive deep into their subconscious beliefs to examine the roots of their financial behaviour.
  • Only have a specific goal in mind that they want to plan for soon, like a trip or buying a house. I recommend you book a Clarity Session for that.